The heartiest congratulations to Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11 for successfully achieving IAS-accredited ISO 9001:2015 certification. With this, they have established assurance towards the Quality Management Systems.
The scope of the certification includes Design and Construction of Civil, Building and Track Works for Double Line Railway involving Formation in Embankments/Cuttings, Bridges, Structures (Excluding Civil Works for Bridges over Railways and Water Main, and across Creek and Ulhas River and Formations in Embankment I Cutting and Structures in their Approaches on both sides), Buildings, Ballast on Formation, Track Works (Including Track Works on Bridges over Railways and Water Main, and across Creek and Ulhas River and Formations in Embankment I Cutting and Structures in their Approaches on both sides) including Testing and Commissioning on Design-Build Lump Sum Price Basis for JNPT – Vaitarana Section of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (Phase – 2 ) Operation and Maintenance of Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plants.
As per the audit team the certification was “process-oriented and analysed”. This process was conducted using collaboration and the auditing provided good results about the effectiveness of their internal systems. The team appreciates the entire organization for its continuous support.