IATF 16949 Certification

IATF 16949:2016 – International Standard for Automotive Quality Management Systems. IATF 16949 Certification was mutually created by The International Automotive Task Force (IATF) individuals and submitted to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for endorsement and production.

The archive is a typical car quality framework prerequisite dependent on ISO 9001, and client explicit necessities from the car segment.

IATF 16949 Certification accentuates the advancement of a procedure-situated quality administration framework that accommodates consistent improvement, imperfection aversion, and decrease of variety and waste in the store network. The objective is to meet client necessities proficiently and viably.

IATF 16949:2016 (replaces ISO/TS 16949:2009) is a standard that builds up the necessities for a Quality Management System (QMS), explicitly for the car area. The ISO/TS 16949 was initially made in 1999 to orchestrate distinctive appraisal and affirmation plans worldwide in the inventory network for the car segment.

The essential focal point of the IATF 16949 Certification standard is the advancement of a Quality Management System that accommodates ceaseless improvement, underscoring deformity avoidance and the decrease of variety and waste in the inventory network. The standard joined with relevant Customer-Specific Requirements (CSRs), characterizes the QMS necessities for car generation, administration, and additional adornment parts.

IATF 16949:2016 is an autonomous QMS standard that is completely lined up with the structure and prerequisites of ISO 9001:2015.

Along these lines, the IATF 16949 can’t be actualized alone as an independent record, yet should be executed as an enhancement and related to ISO 9001:2015 Certification.

After October 01, 2017, reviews can’t be directed to ISO/TS 16949 and associations must change to the new IATF 16949 Certification in accordance with their present review cycle, as per the admissible planning prerequisites. The inability to lead the review inside the admissible planning necessities requires the association to begin once again with an underlying confirmation review. The change review will be the length of a re-certification review in addition to extra time for a documentation audit. Every supporting capacity on location or in a remote area will be incorporated into the change procedure.

A Quality Management System dependent on IATF 16949:

Is a strategy for characterizing how an association can meet the prerequisites of its clients and different partners.

  • Advances the possibility of constant improvement.
  • Expects associations to characterize goals and ceaselessly improve their procedures so as to contact them.
  • Underlines deformity counteractive action.
  • Incorporates explicit necessities and center devices from the car business.
  • Propelled Product Quality Planning (APQP)
  • Disappointment Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • Measurable Process Control (SPC)
  • Estimation Systems Analysis (MSA)
  • Generation Part Approval Process (PPAP)
  • Advances decrease of variety and waste in the inventory network

What is IATF 16949 Certification?

The IATF 16949 standard gives direction and devices to organizations and associations who need to guarantee that their items reliably meet client necessities and that quality and consumer loyalty are reliably improved. Necessities for affirmation to IATF 16949 are characterized in the 2016 Revision 5 of the standards for accomplishing and keeping up IATF acknowledgment.

The IATF 16949 standard is a supplemental standard and is utilized related to the ISO norms:

IATF 16949 – sets up the Automotive supplemental prerequisites of a quality administration framework

ISO 9001 – characterizes the base prerequisites of a quality administration framework

ISO 9000 – covers the fundamental ideas and language

ISO 9004 – centers around how to make a quality administration framework progressively productive and powerful

ISO 19011 – gives direction on the interior (first gathering) and outside (second gathering) reviews of the value the executive’s frameworks

ISO 31000 – plots chance administration standards and rules

IATF 16949 characterizes the criteria for a car-based QMS with the objective of ending up outsider enrolled. It very well may be utilized by any provider, enormous or little, and ought to be connected all through the car inventory network. Truth be told, there are more than 65,000 providers overall which are right now confirmed to ISO/TS 16949. All prerequisites of IATF 16949 are relevant except if providers don’t give item configuration-related capacities. Prerequisites are conventional and are proposed to be appropriate to any provider giving structure and advancement, creation, and, when applicable, gathering, establishment, and administration of car-related items incorporating items with installed programming. The IATF 16949 Certification standard is material to locales of the association where assembling of client-indicated generation parts, administration parts, or potentially extra parts happens.

The standard depends on seven Quality Management Principles, including a solid client center, the inspiration and ramifications of top administration, the procedure approach, and constant improvement.

These Quality Management Principles are characterized as follows:-

  • Client center
  • Initiative
  • Commitment of individuals
  • Procedure approach
  • Improvement
  • Proof-based basic leadership
  • Relationship the board

Why Implement IATF 16949 Certification?

Actualizing IATF 16949 guarantees that clients get predictable, great-quality items and administrations, which thus may bring numerous business benefits. IATF 16949 determines prerequisites for a Quality Management System when an association needs to:-

  • Exhibit its capacity to reliably give items that meet client and relevant statutory, administrative, and item security necessities
  • Improve consumer loyalty through the compelling use of the framework
  • Actualize forms for the development of the framework
  • Characterize in a general setting, who is influenced and what they anticipate
  • Obviously state targets and distinguishes new business openings
  • Put clients first, ensuring their needs are reliably met and upgrading their fulfillment
  • Have rehash clients, increment client devotion, include new customers, and increment business
  • Venture into new markets, as certain parts and customers require IATF 16949 preceding working together
  • Recognize and address the dangers related to your association
  • Work in a progressively proficient manner to expand profitability and productivity, cutting interior expenses down
  • Become all the more socially dependable through the documentation and usage of corporate obligation policies


At the point when to Implement IATF 16949 Certification:

Consistence to the IATF 16949 Certification should be possible whenever yet is ordinarily utilized when:

Step by step instructions to Implement IATF 16949:

Associations’ choosing to create and execute any new or improved QMS is a key choice. All endeavors ought to be centered around the distinguishing proof and minimization of hazard while meeting and surpassing client and hierarchical objective and target prerequisites.

Associations should make a guarantee to:

  • Perceive immediate and roundabout clients as the individuals who get an incentive from the association
  • clients present and future needs and desires
  • Connection the association’s targets to client needs and desires
  • Impart client needs and desires all through the association
  • Plan, structure, create, produce, convey and bolster items to address client issues and desires
  • Measure and screen consumer loyalty and take fitting activities
  • Decide and take activities on invested individuals needs and desires that can influence consumer loyalty
  • Effectively oversee associations with clients to make supported progress
  • Become all the more socially dependable
  • Give vital assets to guarantee item security prerequisites are met

IATF 16949 Compliance can be accomplished through Quality-One’s Seven Phase Approach:

  • Official and Management Overview/Planning
  • Assessment and Planning
  • Documentation 
  • Usage and Training
  • Assessment and Management Review
  • Outsider Registration Assessment
  • Support and Continual Improvement

Advantages of IATF 16949 Certification:

Is a strategy for characterizing how an association can meet the necessities of its clients and different partners

  • Promotes the possibility of ceaseless improvement.
  • Requires associations to characterize targets and ceaselessly improve their procedures so as to contact them.
  • Emphasizes deformity counteractive action.

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ISO 16949 Process


3 Steps to Certification

With the help of SIS Certifications, the certification process can take as little as 40 days to complete

Gap Analysis



Requirement for IATF 16949 Certification:

  • Demonstrate its capacity to reliably give items that meet client and material statutory, administrative, and item security prerequisites. 
  • Enhance consumer loyalty through the powerful use of the framework
  • Implement forms for the development of the framework
  • Define by and large set, who is influenced and what they anticipate
  • Clearly state goals and distinguish new business openings
  • Put clients first, ensuring their needs are reliably met and improving their fulfillment

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