Get ISO Certification for Defence Industry


The defense sector of any nation holds a strategic importance. From ensuring the safety of citizens to establishing a powerful image in the global platform, the defense industry holds a key role. Therefore, the quality of the arms and ammunition as well as the safety of the vehicles used by the defense forces is of prime concern for any government. It builds confidence among the public that the government of the time is concerned about the protection of their nation. There are several ISO Certifications for the Defence industry that demonstrate the commitment of manufacturers of defense products to maintaining the standard quality of their products as well as processes. Additionally, an ISO certificate makes it simpler for the manufacturers of defense items to become the preferred choice for tenders.

Which ISO Standards are best Defence Industry?

There are several ISO standards that are applicable to the defense sector. These include:

ISO 9001 Standard

ISO 9001 standard helps in establishing a quality management system in an organization and it ensures that the quality of products meets the international benchmark. In addition to that, it also ensures that every stage of the manufacturing process passes the quality checks.

ISO 14001 Standard

This standard helps in the implementation of an environmental management system in an organization. By being certified to ISO 14001, you can demonstrate your commitment towards a sustainable environment.

ISO 27001 Standard

Since defense is a very critical sector for any country, it is important to protect the data related to it. Any organization that manufactures the equipment and parts for the purpose of defense must ensure that the data in its possession is safe from any breach or loss. Therefore, an ISO 27001 for Information Security Management System can act as a great tool for such organizations.

ISO 37001 Standard

The integrity of the organizations that belong to a sector of strategic importance to a nation is very necessary. With ISO 37001 certification, these organizations can establish and implement an Anti-bribery management system and prevent any risk of unethical practices that can adversely impact the organization.

ISO 45001 Standard

The safety and wellbeing of the workforce in production units that deals with some of the deadliest arms and ammunition is of immense importance. With ISO 45001 certification, the organizations can ensure occupational health and safety of their employees.

ISO 50001 Standard

This standard is used for implementing Energy management systems in an organization, which helps in reducing the carbon footprint of their business activities. The production of defense equipment involves working with several metals and alloys that require heavy consumption of energy resources. With ISO 50001 certification, the organizations can effectively utilize their resources and minimize their wastages.

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Benefits of Food Safety Certifications

The Defence industry is indeed the backbone of any economy. It is also one of the most infamous sectors when it comes to causing irreparable damage to the environment. Thus, with the help of ISO Certification, these industries can maintain the balance between development and environmental sustainability to standardize their system and processes according to internationally recognized and accepted norms.

ISO Certification process for Defence Industry

  • Application & contract 
  • Audit team Assignment 
  • Document view 
  • Certification Audit Independent review 
  • Notification of Certification
  • Surveillance audit
  • Re-Assessment

The certification process goes further. click here to view the next steps in ISO certification Process

ISO certifications have huge significance across a varied range of industries. They not only help in improving the processes within the organization but also ensure a smooth flow of services throughout the supply chain. Know more about Sis Certifications:

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Join one of the India’s leading ISO certification bodies for a straightforward and cost-effective route to ISO Certifications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Defence Industry

The most commonly required ISO Certification for defence industry that are applicable for all kinds of arm and defence manufacturer are as listed below:

  • ISO 9001 Standard: Quality Management System.
  • ISO 14001 Standard: Environmental Management System.
  • ISO 45001 Standard: Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
  • ISO 27001 Standard: Information Security Management System
  • ISO 37001 standard: Anti-bribery management system
  • ISO 50001 standard: Energy management systems

Achieving ISO Certification is no big deal in today’s upgraded systems. The basic steps to become ISO Certificate for  Defence industry are as follows:

  • Firstly, you need to prepare all the relevant information about your company in a systematized way (It is always best and safe to hire a legal consultant.)
  • Secondly, you need to document all the relevant information about your business.
  • Thirdly, you have to implement all the documented information in your organization.
  •  Fourthly, get ready for the internal audits which are performed first during the certification process and then periodically after.
  •   Lastly, if the certifying body approves your management system then you will be awarded the required ISO standard.

An ISO Certificate is valid for 3 years. And during this time period of 3 years, a surveillance audit is conducted on an annual basis to ensure that ISO quality standards are being maintained by the organization.

  • Firstly, select the type of ISO certification you want for your Defence industry.
  • Secondly, selecting a recognized and credible ISO certification body (ISO Registrar)
  • Thirdly, make an application in the prescribed form which should include liability issues, confidentiality, and access rights.
  • Fourthly, the ISO certification body will review all the documents related to various policies and procedures being followed in the organization. If there are any existing gaps, the applicant has to prepare an action plan to eliminate these gaps.
  • Then, the ISO registrar will conduct a physical onsite inspection to audit the changes made in the organization.
  • As soon as the certifying body approves your management system, you will be awarded the required ISO standard. 

Basically, when you approach a certifying body for ISO Certification and they approve your management systems and all your processes, they will then quote an amount for the certificate. Moreover, the cost for achieving ISO certification depends mostly on your organization, such as the no. of employees in your organization, No. of branches your organization has, and many more.

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