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ISO/IEC 20000-1 Certification


ISO IEC 20000-1 Certification services that help you identify gaps for improvement within your IT service management system ITSMS

ISO/IEC 20000-1 is an internationally required standard that provides the framework for implementing Service Management System (SMS) in your organization. ISO 20000-1 certification helps to provide the necessary requirements to manage services in your organization in a defined quality. This standard is based on the description of the required processes that are well-described by the IT companies. An ISO/IEC 20000-1 certified management system includes the planning, design, transition, delivery, and improvement of services in the organization to fulfill the requirements of ISO/IEC 20000-1 Certification.

ISO 20000-1:2018 Certification Principles:

Customer focus – ISO 9001 Certification aims to improve for the betterment of the interested parties and customers, this will help one sustain customers, increase the customer base, and make sure to communicate their needs and expectations by monitoring throughout the organization.

Leadership – to achieve quality objectives leaders need to establish unity of purpose which is by aligning their strategy, policies, procedure, and resources this will lead to better coordination of the organization’s processes one needs to establish a culture of trust and integrity, provide people with the required resource, training, authority to act with accountability.

Engagement of people – for efficiency involves people of all levels, this can be done by communicating with the employees their needs in the organization, sharing knowledge, and experience, and recognizing people’s contributions, learning, and improvement.

Process approach – when activities are understood and then executed then the efficiency of the delivered output will increase, by understanding the organization’s capabilities and determining resource constraints prior to action.

Improvement- improvement is important for an organization to maintain the current level of performance and to even keep on developing, this can be done by giving proper training and letting them understand how work happens with that track, reviewing and audit planning, implementation, recognizing and acknowledgment, which will result into anticipation of internal and external risks and opportunity, improved process performance. 

Evidence-based decision making – learn from mistakes, it is simply that decisions should be driven by evaluation of data, this will help one take better efficient solutions adding more, intuitions should never be neglected.

Relationship management – manage relations with relevant interested parties such as providers, one can achieve this by keeping a well-managed supply chain that provides a stable flow of products and services, determining interested party relationship that needs to be managed,

Benefits of ISO 20000-1 Certification

Implementing and operating a Service Management System (SMS) will provide ongoing clarity, control of all your services, and continuous improvement in the processes, leading to the best quality, effectiveness, and efficiency. Improvement of service management is applicable to the Service Management System (SMS) and the services provided by the concerned organization.

The primary benefits of having ISO 20000-1 certification are listed below: –

Gives you a competitive edge in the Market: ISO 20000-1:2018 improves your company’s credibility and reputation in the global marketplace. This international standard for Information Technology Service Management will transform the organization by complying with the ISO criteria. It improves the processes and creates a competitive environment.

Compliance with the ISO standard criteria: ISO 20000-1:2018 standard provides a framework for clear assessment criteria for information technology system. It aims to deliver the exact business as per the requirements of the customer. The ISO 20000-1:2018 certification enables the organization to implement and manage an effective and efficient IT management system.

Ensures customer satisfaction: Establishing ISO/IEC 20000-1 Certification makes it effortless to control and manage the IT service delivery process. All the control areas are checked and tested and a problem management system is in place. It ensures a well-documented system, ensuring enhanced customer satisfaction.

Achieve improved business productivity: ISO/IEC 20000-1 Certification ensures that the IT Service team is fully equipped with control processes, operating procedures, troubleshooting, transparency, and accountability in the working environment. Establishing ISO 20000-1 service management Certification in your organization is the best practice in order to enhance employee productivity.

ISO 20000-1 Certification Requirements

The ISO 20000-1 standards require an organization to implement a series of practices and procedures that result in an effective and efficient Service Management System (SMS). The High-Level structure of ISO 20000-1 ensures a smooth integration of SMS with other management system. Out of them, the first three are introductory in nature, whereas the last seven contain the specifications for implementation of the Service Management System (EMS).

SECTION 4: Context of the organization

This section includes the necessary requirements for establishing, sustaining, and continuously improving Service Management System. This section places high emphasis on defining the scope and objectives of the Service Management System (SMS) in your organization.

SECTION 5: Leadership

This section includes specifications that are required for top management to set up and deliberate service management policies. This section emphasizes the role of top management in the implementation of SMS in the organization. It requires the top management to effectively communicate the roles and responsibilities to the entire workers for proper implementation of SMS.

SECTION 6: Planning

Planning plays an important role in an organization’s implementation of a service management system (SMS). This section includes effective planning which will help to manage risks or threats. This also helps to find out measures to mitigate those threats or risks from the organization. 

SECTION 7: Support 

This section emphasizes the effectiveness of the Service Management System (SMS).  It includes important areas such as availability of resources, employee capability, awareness, internal/external communications, documented data, and managing knowledge for proper supporting service management system. 

SECTION 8: Operation

This section ensures that the necessary processes for the operation of the SMS are conducted in an effective and efficient way. It covers all the stages of the SMS, such as planning, controlling, designing, and service assurance that operates in various areas.

SECTION 9: Performance evaluation

This section includes specific requirements for accomplishing an audit program and conducting internal audits at regular intervals and it must be noted that both external and internal audits are properly done by implementing service management system in your organization.

SECTION 10: Improvement

This section includes the requirements regarding non-conformity, corrective action, and continuous improvement in your organization. It supports an effective service management system in your organization.

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With the help of SIS Certifications, the certification process can take as little as 40 days to complete

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When was ISO 20000-1:2018 Published?

The revised version of ISO 20000 certification is ISO/IEC 20000-1 Certification and this was published on 30th September 2018. ISO 20000-1:2018 focuses on providing requirements for processes to manage the Service Management System (SMS) in your organization. Our expert team can certify you with the standard for managing the Services that are operated in your organization.

  • Stage One (documentation review) – At this stage, the auditors from the certification body verify that your documentation meets the requirements of ISO 20000-1.
  • Stage Two (main audit) – In this stage, the realities of your processes are matched with your statements in the documentation for their compliance with the requirements of ISO 20000-1 standards clauses.

the certification process goes further. Click here to view the next steps in the ISO certification process

What Important Innovation Does ISO 20000-1:2018 Provide?

ISO/IEC 20000-1 Certification introduces a new High-Level Structure (HLS) that acts in accordance with other management system standards and makes it easier for organizations to get awarded with multiple standards, such as ISO 9001 (QMS) or ISO 27001 Certification (ISMS).

  • This revised standard now holds terms and definitions that refer to specific management systems complying with the required standards. Various clauses have been added to reflect the increasing trends in services management, such as standardized services.
  • Some brief details have been eliminated to provide the organizations more flexibility in complying with the requirements of the standard.
  • An explicit requirement for the “planning, designing, creating, implementing, maintaining, and continual improvement of a service management system (SMS)” has been added to this standard. 
  • All references to the “PDCA cycle” (“Plan-Do-Check-Act”) have been eliminated, as many other methods of improvement can be used by the management system.
  • New requirements that relate to the context of the concerned organization and processes or activities that address risks, as well as opportunities, have been added to the revised standard. 
  • Documented information, resources, competencies, and awareness have been upgraded and added to the revised edition.
  • The revised version detached Incident Management and Service Request Management requirements into two discrete sections.

ISO 20000-1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Quality Management System (QMS)

Answer : ISO 20000-1 standard is mostly based on the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) which sets the framework for delivering top-quality service management system. ISO 20000-1 certification for service management system is chiefly concerned with the part of service management and service delivery of information technology (IT) functions. The main aim of ISO 20000-1 Certification are as To line up information technology with the ongoing and eventual needs of the business organization and its clients, customers, and other stakeholders. Delivering quality-assured information technology services that satisfy the expectations of the customers and Reduction in the long-term expenses of service facilities.

Answer : The received version of ISO 20000 Certification is ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018, published on 15th September 2018. This completely revised version of ISO 20000 sets the framework for the international service management system. In this updated version of the service management system, many new requirements have been introduced such as service planning and delivery, as well as some content has been removed such as the testimonial to the P-D-C-A cycle.

Answer : There are many common elements between ISO/IEC 20000-1 Certification and ISO 27001 standards. But there are also some key differences between both the standards. These key differences are as – ISO 20000-1 standard is a service-based management system. Whereas, ISO 27001 standard is a risk management system. The main focus of the ISO 20000-1 standard is going deep into the operation of information technology companies on a daily basis. Whereas, ISO 27001 looks into the broader context such as information stratification, controlling access, the concept for continuity, etc.

Answer : The cost of ISO/IEC 20000-1 certification varies from one organization to another. Basically, when you approach an internationally accredited certifying body for ISO Certification and they approve your management systems and all your processes, they will then quote an amount for the certificate. Moreover, the cost for achieving ISO certification depends mostly on your organization, such as the no. of employees in your organization, No. of branches your organization has, and many more.

Answer : Basically, an ISO Certificate is valid for three years. And during this time period of three years, a surveillance audit is conducted on an annual basis to ensure that ISO quality standards are being maintained by the organization.

Answer : Just because you received an ISO 20000-1 certification, your task is not complete. For proper functioning of the management system, you need to maintain the ISO 20000-1 certification. For that, your company has to continually undergo an annual surveillance audit for the period of three years. After completion of the validity period, you need to get recertified.

Answer: First of all, you need to choose an internationally accredited certification body meeting all the requirements of IAS Accreditation such as SIS CERTIFICATIONS. Then an application shall be created, where all the rights and obligations will be included and will be confidential between both the applicants and the registrar. After that, the ISO auditor will review the relevant documentation related to various procedures followed in your organization. The auditors will identify gaps, and if there are any gaps you have to prepare an action plan in order to remove these gaps. Then, there will be initial certification audits which will be followed by: Stage I – where the auditors will check the changes made in your organization according to requirements. Stage II – where the auditor will do their final audit for the certification.

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