Intellismart Infra-Structure Pvt. Ltd. Awarded ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and ISO 27001 Certificate from SIS Certifications

Intellismart is operating with the ideology of converting all conventional electricity meters to smart meters. EESL+NIIF has formed a JV company intellismart. It will help build smart meters through the BOOT (build, own, operate, transfer) model to expedite the deployment. Its focus is to drive efficiencies for DIS COMs, improve revenue management, and increase billing efficiency and consumer satisfaction. Companies smart meter function like a global meter assets provider, also as an evolving knowledge-sharing platform, it acts as a key player in introducing financial and operational efficiency in this space.

The government of India plans to install 25 crore smart meters in the next few years, efficiency will increase by 100% and has the potential to increase DISCOM revenues by INR~1000 billion annually. The company is working with all stakeholders to procure, deploy, and provide operations and maintenance for the smart meter infrastructure.

Intellismart has been certified by SIS certifications an ISO 9001ISO 14001ISO 45001 & ISO 27001 certification organization which gives accreditation to ubiquitous fields.

ISO 9001 quality management system helps them with a better export system

  • Asset inventory will be reconciled on a monthly basis
  • All the system owners shall share the details with the help desk team to keep inventory details updated.
  • Cryptographic techniques will be used to protect data on removable media
  • A labeling mechanism shall be implemented to identify the classification of the information.
  • Business-critical data will be encrypted whenever shared outside the project team
  • The use of public cloud drives (like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc) will be discouraged from sharing the project’s data within or outside the project team and stakeholders.


ISO 14001 environment management system

  • As they have secondary Packaging products like boxes, Polyethylene plastic which cause land and air pollution therefore for proper disposal of them is needed, which is done by them.
  • Conventional meters are reused by descending to other users to protect the environment.
  • New users shall be created upon receipt of approval from departmental managers
  • Access shall be revoked upon termination, resignation, unauthorized absence, or change of responsibilities as appropriate
  • Appropriate procedures will be established for the Backup and restoration of the project data
  • Near real-time storage data replication will be ensured between DC and DR sites to ensure compliance with RTO (4 hours) and RPO (2 hours) defined in the RFP.
  • DR plan shall be developed and reviewed on at least an annual basis.
  • The effectiveness and operational aspects of the Disaster Recovery (DR) site shall be tested via DR drill at least once a year.


ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management various teams in respect to various cities are distributed who have proper knowledge and awareness to install the meter, and proper PPEs are used by the workers for their safety.

ISO 27001 information security system

  • There is a population of 140 crore people in India and out of the 50 crore people data is present then that is why people’s personal safety has achieved ISO 27001 which protects information from hackers and others.
  • HTTPS should have an SSL certificate installed using encrypted channels
  • Areas within the office premises shall be accessible on a people ‘need-to-access’ basis and with authorization.
  • External connectivity to the network shall be authorized and enabled through secured VPN access.
  • The website owner/custodian shall be identified from inception till retirement and adhere to security standards throughout the development life cycle.
  • The ability to connect with a specific website does not imply that the users connected to the IntelliSmart cloud network are permitted to visit the restricted site.
  • All people involved in communication transfer shall have an NDA signed with the company.


Intellismart also wants to get accredited with ISO 41001 by SIS certifications


ISO 41001 facility management system.

  • Suppliers, third-party vendors, and Contractors (hereafter “Suppliers”) shall be contractually bound to adhere to security and privacy requirements. All the security policies are applicable to suppliers depending on the type of contract.
  • Suppliers shall design the information security system document policies and procedures and take prior approval before its implementation.
  • Suppliers shall not make any changes without approval.
  • Suppliers’ remote access shall only be provided after approval by the designated authority from IntelliSmart.


SIS Certifications is a certifications body that has been accredited with ISO 17021 by IAS (International Accreditation Service) which is a USA-based board and IOAS International Organization for International Service which is a European board. SIS Certifications work in compliance with ISO standards. With a reach in 50+ countries, SIS Certifications has given 15000+ certificates, they have 25+ years of experienced auditors which help in an easy flow of checking the flaws which means productivity is meant to be efficient.

Problems will come and go but SIS Certifications assure to be there with you. Our priority is customer satisfaction before and after certifications.

Getting an ISO Certification adds up brand value to your organization although it is not compulsory.  We serve you with an experience that will help you build brand value. SIS Certifications make sure that your system does not remain weak.

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